Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A New Beginning

Today I begin my career as a nurse. I was officially offered the position yesterday and will begin today. Part of me is terrified, but the other part of me is thrilled. I'm walking through this fear hand in hand with God and I have faith that things will work out exactly as they are meant.

Five years ago, fear filled everything I did. If I was happy I got drunk, if I was sad I got drunk, if I was angry I got drunk, if it was an average day I got drunk. I know you see a pattern here.... Today, when I have feelings I walk through them with faith and even when things don't turn out how I planned, I know that I've done what's true to me. Being able to have faith in myself and my decisions is something I've gained along the way in recovery and through doing step work and figuring out who I really am. I know now that I'm truly the person God always meant for me to be.

And, just in case... say a little prayer for me! This is a big deal!!! =)


  1. Congrats! Recovery brings so many unexpected gifts. And now, you can give back. Fantastic.

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